Monday, January 15, 2007

Fyrstir í heimi

Úr grein á innraneti vinnunetsins, einnig að finna í kynningarefni fyrirtækisins:
NKT Flexibles has developed significantly since the company in 1967 developed the first commercial flexible pipe in the world. The technology forming the basis of this novel and innovative product derives from great experience in subsea cable manufacturing. In NKT’s own "history book" you will find the story about how the company in the 1960’ies was contracted to lay a pipeline between Iceland and the Vestmanna Islands. As the pipe was for drinking water and since it was to be laid in the salty ocean neither copper alloys nor could traditional water pipes be used. That resulted in the development of the first commercial flexible pipeline in 1967.
Ísland, best í heimi!


Anonymous said...

Þér til upplýsingar þá er verið að endurnýja umrædda pípu alveg á næstunni.

Sjá ""


Anonymous said...

OG Ísland er langtífráaðvera best í heimi.

Svona fréttir sæjust ekki ( og ekki fréttin "Hundur beit mann í Kópavogi."

Besser (weiter)

Geir said...

Endurnýja hvað! Nei bíddu nú við, er ekki bara verið að bæta við þriðju leiðslunni?

Alltaf gott þegar menn frá Kópavogi eru bitnir.